Wolcott NS, Redman WT, Karpinska M, Jacobs EJ, Goard MJ. The estrous cycle modulates hippocampal spine dynamics, dendritic processing, and spatial coding. In review. Preprint: bioRxiv.
Selected Publications
Redman WT*, Acosta-Mendoza S*, Wei XX, Goard MJ (2025). Robust variability of grid cell properties within individual grid modules enhances encoding of local space. eLife, 13: RP100652. (*co-first author).
Building egocentric models of local space from retinal input. Current Biology, 34(23): R1185-R1202. ( *co-senior author).
, , , (2024).Differential stability of task variable representations in retrosplenial cortex. Nature Communications, 15: 687.
Franco LM & Goard MJ (2024).Sit KK & Goard MJ (2023). Coregistration of heading to visual cues in retrosplenial cortex. Nature Communications, 14:1992.
Redman WT, Wolcott NS, Montelisciani L, Luna G, Marks TD, Sit KK, Yu CH, Smith SL, Goard MJ (2022). Long-term Transverse Imaging of the Hippocampus with Glass Microperiscopes. eLife, 11: e75391.
Inhibiting retinoic acid mitigates vision loss in a mouse model of retinal degeneration. Science Advances 9 (11). ( *co-senior author).
A Distributed Circuit for Associating Environmental Context to Motor Choice in Retrosplenial Cortex. Science Advances, 7 (35).
Franco LM & Goard MJ (2021).
Stimulus-dependent representational drift in primary visual cortex. Nature Communications, 12:5169.
Marks TD & Goard MJ (2021).Stable representation of a naturalistic movie emerges from episodic activity with gain variability. Nature Communications, 12:5170. (*co-senior author).
Xia J, Marks TD, Goard MJ*, Wessel R* (2021).Dysfunction of Cortical GABAergic Neurons Leads to Sensory Hyper-reactivity in Shank3 Model of Autism. Nature Neuroscience, 23: 520–532.
Chen Q*, Deister CA*, Gao X, Guo B, Lynn-Jones T, Chen N, Wells MF, Liu R, Goard MJ, Dimidschstein J, Feng S, Shi Y, Liao W, Lu Z, Fishell G, Moore CI, Feng G (2020).
Distributed and Retinotopically Asymmetric Processing of Coherent Motion in Mouse Visual Cortex. Nature Communications, 11:3565.
Sit KK, Goard MJ (2020).Diverse co-active neurons encode stimulus-driven and stimulus-independent variables. Journal of Neurophysiology, 124: 1505–1517. (*co-senior author).
Xia J, Marks TD, Goard MJ*, Wessel R* (2020).Task-dependent representations of stimulus and choice in mouse parietal cortex. Nature Communications, 9:2596. (*co-first author).
Pho GN*, Goard MJ*, Woodson J, Crawford B, Sur M (2018).Distinct roles of visual, parietal, and frontal motor cortices in a memory-guided sensorimotor decisions. eLife, 5:e13764.
Goard MJ, Pho GN, Woodson J, Sur M (2016).Fast modulation of visual perception by basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. Nature Neuroscience, 16(12): 1857-63. (*co-first author).
Pinto L*, Goard MJ*, Estandian D, Xu M, Kwan AC, Lee S-H, Harrison TC, Feng G, Dan Y (2013).Imaging neural activity using Thy1-GCaMP transgenic mice. Neuron, 76(2): 297-308.
Chen Q, Cichon J, Wang W, Qiu L, Lee S-JR, Campbell NR, Destefino N, Goard MJ, Fu Z, Yasuda R, Looger LL, Arenkiel BR, Gan W-B, Feng G (2012).Basal forebrain activation enhances cortical coding of natural scenes. Nature Neuroscience, 12(11): 1444-9.
Goard M, Dan Y (2009).